1. The Dog Training Barn.
The activities carried out at the Dog Training Barn are to educate clients and to exercise both clients and their dogs in a safe environment.
2. Barn Owners’ Responsibilities
We are responsible for translating UK Government Covid guidance into specific actions we need to take (depending on our situation, location and organisation) to conduct our activities while minimising the risk of spreading COVID-19.
3. Risk Assessment
We have carried out this COVID-19 risk assessment to identify sensible measures to control the risks at the Barn in consultation with those who work with or visit us. We have published the assessment on the website and in communications with visitors, as well as in the Barn and Schoolroom . There is also a “Staying COVID- Secure ” poster we have displayed saying that we have followed the Govt guidelines. Action complete.
4. General control measures
To reduce the risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level these three general steps need to be taken at all times:
1. Increase the frequency of hand washing/sanitisation and surface cleansing
2. Follow these minimum social distancing guidelines: 2m separation if seated or walking normally, 3m if e.g. running a course.
3. Ventilation. All Schoolroom windows and Barn doors need to be open during use to allow fresh air to enter - wide open in hot weather. In cold/windy weather the amount of opening can be adjusted. This is the responsibility of Barn Hirers/Users.
N.B. These instructions to be relayed to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action completed by 12th April 21and ongoing.
5. Additional site-specific measures to reduce contact
- Clear communication to all participants and staff to take all reasonable measures to comply with hygiene, distancing and ventilation e.g. on website and with hiring instructions.
- Avoid unduly raised voices, music, radios: all might make normal conversation difficult and encourage shouting and closer contact. Trainers should use PA systems/headsets where possible.
- Manage contact. Primarily through hand washing and avoid sharing objects.
Avoid cash - use contactless payment etc. Safe distance signage (Action complete). Users fix all doors open when the Barn in use.
- Equipment for use readily accessible - users leave out where possible
- Avoid paperwork - use online wherever possible (Action complete)
N.B. These instructions to be relayed to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing
6. Measures to manage capacity and overcrowding
- Limit numbers at each facility (Barn & Astro) to ensure safe distancing: 2m minimum, 3m for those running round a course or similar exertions
- Reduce class sizes accordingly (As advised by UK Govt) with staggered session times to avoid overlap and allow cleaning. All bookings planned in advance; no extra people/spectators allowed - they must wait in car park
- Calculate maximum capacity for each activity. Ongoing
- Avoid/reduce use of toilets to minimum: Sign on doors. Action Complete.
- Appoint each session trainer as a “designated supervisor” to control social distancing . Ongoing
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
7. Measures to ensure correct distancing during movement through site
- Use markings to identify routes, signs as reminders of 2m safe distance.
- Use separate doors for entry/exit; one-way systems on site where possible
- Use car park as holding/queuing area
- Appoint separate exercise paddocks for Barn and Astro users
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
8. Avoid unnecessary contact by all personnel on site
- Suspend or modify activities likely to contravene distancing e.g. queuing,
group course-walking, prize giving, socialising, close-coaching
- Use outdoor spaces wherever and whenever possible for exertion activities
- Modify activities to use less equipment and create more space and air
- Avoid use of shared objects/equipment unless they can be cleaned/sanitised between users. Alternatively wear gloves to move objects
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by12th April 21 and ongoing.
9. Supporting Test & Trace
- Keep a record of all visitors and staff on site for 21 days; Barn Owners to keep record of all persons booking the facilities and Trainers/organisers to
keep a record of all persons attending their sessions. Records to show name and contact number with dates/times of attendance.
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21and ongoing.
10. Spectators and children
- If allowing spectators or children would exceed maximum safe capacity they will be prohibited. Additional or unexpected people arriving should be advised to wait in their car. The person accompanying children should be reminded that they are responsible for supervising them - particularly regarding social distancing.
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
11. Food and drink
- Food and drink (other than personal bottled water/hot drink flasks) should not normally be consumed in the Barn. External providers of food and drink should be “COVID-Secure”. Visitors may prefer to bring their own food and drink.
- If food and drink are to be consumed on the premises minimum handling, social distancing and additional personal hygiene measures should be employed. Table service (not self-service) should be used.
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
12. Cleaning
- Display signs and posters to build awareness of good hand washing technique, and the need to increase hand washing frequency (Action complete)
- Frequent cleaning of surfaces, door handles and equipment is advised. (Ongoing)
- Clearing workspaces and removing waste and belongings from work areas at the end of sessions (minimum daily)
- Provide hand sanitiser in the Barn, School, toilets and at entrances to site. (Action complete).
- Set clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing is achieved. Discourage toilet use by short stay visitors. (Action complete). Put a toilet cleaning schedule on the weekly programme (Owners – Ongoing}
- Keep the Barn and Schoolroom well ventilated, for example by fixing doors and windows open where appropriate: All users
- Provide waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection.(Action complete)
- Use disposable paper towels in hand washing facilities. (Action complete)
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21and ongoing.
13. PPE
PPE is not normally required in the Barn. Face coverings are required to be worn when “course-walking” and otherwise are optional but restrict breathing and communication (esp lip-reading).
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21and ongoing.
14. Communication
This Risk Assessment appears on the Barn website and a poster “Staying COVID-Secure ” is displayed on site, together with relevant social distancing and hand washing posters. A notice with basic guidelines for clients and visitors is also displayed and similar information sent with joining instructions where appropriate.
(Actions complete by 12th April 21and ongoing)
Trainers/organisers have access to these COVID-19 Secure guidelines on the website and are reminded of these during the booking process. This assessment will be posted in the Barn and the Schoolroom.
(Actions complete by 12th April 21and ongoing)
17th May 2021
The Dog Training Barn
Main Road
Middleton Cheney
OX17 2PW
1. The Dog Training Barn.
The activities carried out at the Dog Training Barn are to educate clients and to exercise both clients and their dogs in a safe environment.
2. Barn Owners’ Responsibilities
We are responsible for translating UK Government Covid guidance into specific actions we need to take (depending on our situation, location and organisation) to conduct our activities while minimising the risk of spreading COVID-19.
3. Risk Assessment
We have carried out this COVID-19 risk assessment to identify sensible measures to control the risks at the Barn in consultation with those who work with or visit us. We have published the assessment on the website and in communications with visitors, as well as in the Barn and Schoolroom . There is also a “Staying COVID- Secure ” poster we have displayed saying that we have followed the Govt guidelines. Action complete.
4. General control measures
To reduce the risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level these three general steps need to be taken at all times:
1. Increase the frequency of hand washing/sanitisation and surface cleansing
2. Follow these minimum social distancing guidelines: 2m separation if seated or walking normally, 3m if e.g. running a course.
3. Ventilation. All Schoolroom windows and Barn doors need to be open during use to allow fresh air to enter - wide open in hot weather. In cold/windy weather the amount of opening can be adjusted. This is the responsibility of Barn Hirers/Users.
N.B. These instructions to be relayed to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action completed by 12th April 21and ongoing.
5. Additional site-specific measures to reduce contact
- Clear communication to all participants and staff to take all reasonable measures to comply with hygiene, distancing and ventilation e.g. on website and with hiring instructions.
- Avoid unduly raised voices, music, radios: all might make normal conversation difficult and encourage shouting and closer contact. Trainers should use PA systems/headsets where possible.
- Manage contact. Primarily through hand washing and avoid sharing objects.
Avoid cash - use contactless payment etc. Safe distance signage (Action complete). Users fix all doors open when the Barn in use.
- Equipment for use readily accessible - users leave out where possible
- Avoid paperwork - use online wherever possible (Action complete)
N.B. These instructions to be relayed to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing
6. Measures to manage capacity and overcrowding
- Limit numbers at each facility (Barn & Astro) to ensure safe distancing: 2m minimum, 3m for those running round a course or similar exertions
- Reduce class sizes accordingly (As advised by UK Govt) with staggered session times to avoid overlap and allow cleaning. All bookings planned in advance; no extra people/spectators allowed - they must wait in car park
- Calculate maximum capacity for each activity. Ongoing
- Avoid/reduce use of toilets to minimum: Sign on doors. Action Complete.
- Appoint each session trainer as a “designated supervisor” to control social distancing . Ongoing
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
7. Measures to ensure correct distancing during movement through site
- Use markings to identify routes, signs as reminders of 2m safe distance.
- Use separate doors for entry/exit; one-way systems on site where possible
- Use car park as holding/queuing area
- Appoint separate exercise paddocks for Barn and Astro users
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
8. Avoid unnecessary contact by all personnel on site
- Suspend or modify activities likely to contravene distancing e.g. queuing,
group course-walking, prize giving, socialising, close-coaching
- Use outdoor spaces wherever and whenever possible for exertion activities
- Modify activities to use less equipment and create more space and air
- Avoid use of shared objects/equipment unless they can be cleaned/sanitised between users. Alternatively wear gloves to move objects
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by12th April 21 and ongoing.
9. Supporting Test & Trace
- Keep a record of all visitors and staff on site for 21 days; Barn Owners to keep record of all persons booking the facilities and Trainers/organisers to
keep a record of all persons attending their sessions. Records to show name and contact number with dates/times of attendance.
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21and ongoing.
10. Spectators and children
- If allowing spectators or children would exceed maximum safe capacity they will be prohibited. Additional or unexpected people arriving should be advised to wait in their car. The person accompanying children should be reminded that they are responsible for supervising them - particularly regarding social distancing.
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
11. Food and drink
- Food and drink (other than personal bottled water/hot drink flasks) should not normally be consumed in the Barn. External providers of food and drink should be “COVID-Secure”. Visitors may prefer to bring their own food and drink.
- If food and drink are to be consumed on the premises minimum handling, social distancing and additional personal hygiene measures should be employed. Table service (not self-service) should be used.
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21 and ongoing.
12. Cleaning
- Display signs and posters to build awareness of good hand washing technique, and the need to increase hand washing frequency (Action complete)
- Frequent cleaning of surfaces, door handles and equipment is advised. (Ongoing)
- Clearing workspaces and removing waste and belongings from work areas at the end of sessions (minimum daily)
- Provide hand sanitiser in the Barn, School, toilets and at entrances to site. (Action complete).
- Set clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing is achieved. Discourage toilet use by short stay visitors. (Action complete). Put a toilet cleaning schedule on the weekly programme (Owners – Ongoing}
- Keep the Barn and Schoolroom well ventilated, for example by fixing doors and windows open where appropriate: All users
- Provide waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection.(Action complete)
- Use disposable paper towels in hand washing facilities. (Action complete)
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21and ongoing.
13. PPE
PPE is not normally required in the Barn. Face coverings are required to be worn when “course-walking” and otherwise are optional but restrict breathing and communication (esp lip-reading).
N.B. These instructions are available to all staff and users via the website and referred to in hiring instructions. Action commenced by 12th April 21and ongoing.
14. Communication
This Risk Assessment appears on the Barn website and a poster “Staying COVID-Secure ” is displayed on site, together with relevant social distancing and hand washing posters. A notice with basic guidelines for clients and visitors is also displayed and similar information sent with joining instructions where appropriate.
(Actions complete by 12th April 21and ongoing)
Trainers/organisers have access to these COVID-19 Secure guidelines on the website and are reminded of these during the booking process. This assessment will be posted in the Barn and the Schoolroom.
(Actions complete by 12th April 21and ongoing)
17th May 2021
The Dog Training Barn
Main Road
Middleton Cheney
OX17 2PW